Resurrecting an old practice: 35 New bulletin board ideas | Surf Office (2024)

Let's talk bulletin boards, shall we? These timeless information-sharing tools have been hanging around, in one form or another, for ages. Whether they're the trusty old corkboard on your office wall or the slick digital version on your desktop, bulletin boards have seen it all. Back in the day, they were kind of, well, boring. You know, cluttered with outdated memos and a mass of notices.

Today, these humble bulletin boards are not just wall decorations; they're actually pretty cool concepts- if you know how to use them properly. They've got the potential to be a real asset in your office, chock-full of useful information.

In this blog, we're going to dive into the different types of bulletin boards and, more importantly, spill the beans on how you can turn them from dusty, cluttered corners into vibrant tools that your team will actually want to use. Ready to transform your office bulletin board game?

What are bulletin boards?

So, you know those boards you see in the break room or hallway where the company posts important stuff? They're called bulletin boards. But they've come a long way from the old cork-and-pin setup. There are different versions now:

  • Traditional bulletin boards: These are the ones with paper notices and flyers pinned to them. They can get pretty cluttered and need manual updates.
  • Digital bulletin boards: Popular with remote teams and office-based teams alike, these are like high-tech versions. You'll see screens or monitors displaying info. They're cool because you can show text, images, videos, and change things in real-time. A good example of this would be the software Formaloo.
  • Intranet and collaboration tools: Think of these like company websites or apps where you can access all sorts of info, chat with colleagues, and work together on projects. They're like digital workspaces. Examples include Microsoft Teams, Slack and Discord.

Why should you care about using bulletin boards at work?

First and foremost, bulletin boards, whether physical or digital, serve as a one-stop information shop. They gather all the important stuff in one convenient place, eliminating the need to hunt for scattered information. This means you can easily access what you need without the hassle.

They can also help you stay in the loop. By regularly checking the bulletin board, you'll always be in the know about what's happening in your company – whether it's the latest news, upcoming events, achievements, or other important updates. This can make you feel more connected to the team and enhance your sense of belonging.

Bulletin boards are also excellent for conveying visual information. Sometimes, a picture or video can tell a story more effectively than a lengthy memo or email. Using visuals on these boards can help you communicate your message in a more engaging and memorable way.

Moreover, if you opt for digital bulletin boards and collaboration tools, you'll benefit from up-to-the-minute updates. These platforms provide real-time information, ensuring that you're never stuck with outdated or irrelevant data. This means you can trust that the information you're accessing is current and accurate, saving you time and effort in the long run.

So, whether you prefer the tactile feel of a physical board or the convenience of a digital platform, bulletin boards can be a valuable asset in your workplace.

In the next section we take a look at some ideas you could use in your own bulletin boards! Remember, most of these ideas can easily be transferred between whatever method you prefer, online or offline.

Let’s get into this!

1. Employee of the Month showcase

Have you ever thought about sprucing up your workplace with an employee of the month section on your bulletin board? It's not just a decorative touch; it's a powerful morale booster. This idea celebrates and spotlights outstanding employees, showing your appreciation for their dedication and hard work. It's a motivational pat on the back, encouraging others to strive for excellence. Plus, it encourages a healthy spirit of friendly competition. Believe it or not, Mark in Finance would love to see his own face on there, even if he says he doesn’t care!

2. Team spotlight

Here's a fantastic bulletin board idea: why not dedicate a section where we highlight a different team each month? By showcasing various teams and their contributions, you promote unity and a deeper understanding of how we all fit into the big picture. This creates a sense of community, making us appreciate each other's roles more. Sometimes, we can get so wrapped up in our work that we forget that other people around us are working just as hard. Perhaps you don’t work in the same office as the team under the spotlight for that month. With this idea, you can truly appreciate the whole team’s work.

3. Welcome new hires

Welcoming new hires in a warm and inviting way is crucial for their smooth integration into your company culture. Why not shout them out on a virtual or physical bulletin board, introducing them to their new work family? By making new employees feel valued and integrated from day one, we set a positive tone for their journey with you. Go and smash that onboarding process!

4. Upcoming company events

Let's jazz up the workplace with a bulletin board highlighting any company events on the horizon. View it as a built-in party planner that keeps everyone in the loop about the fun stuff you’re planning to do. By providing a visual reminder of all the exciting events you have lined up, it stokes everyone's excitement and encourages participation. Whether it's team-building outings, holiday celebrations, or wellness activities, this board ensures that no one misses out on the good times. Remember the Christmas calendars you had as a child? As each window was opened and each chocolate was consumed, you knew you were getting closer to the big day. It's a great way to enhance your team culture and create a sense of unity among your team.

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5. Today I learned section

Here, employees can drop nuggets of wisdom they've picked up, share cool facts, or just offer insights into life. It's like a daily knowledge exchange! This idea not only keeps our brains buzzing but also encourages the spirit of curiosity and learning. We all become each other's teachers, making the workplace a hub of intellectual fun where you can count on learning something new each day.

With the age of TikTok and Youtube Shorts, we’re exposed to (sometimes) valuable chunks of ‘did you know’ facts, but make sure to fact-check them first, though. We don’t want to spread false information!

6. Health and wellness tips

We all know that a healthy employee is a happy and productive one. That's why a health and wellness tips bulletin board is a great addition to your workplace. It may feel like you’re introducing a friendly health coach right in the office. This board can provide practical advice on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and more, helping us make better choices for our overall well-being. It's like a daily reminder to take care of ourselves, both physically and mentally.

7. Inspirational quotes

Ah, imagine a daily dose of motivation right at your fingertips. These uplifting words can help us stay focused, energized, and optimistic, no matter what challenges come our way. The board serves as a source of inspiration, reminding us of the big picture and the potential within us. It's a fantastic idea for creating a positive and motivated work environment where each day can start with a dose of inspiration. Try to encourage all members of staff to drop some serious inspiration whenever they come across a quote that resonates with them.

8. Celebrate work anniversaries

How about dedicating a section to work anniversaries on your bulletin board? Recognizing and honoring the years of service of your colleagues shows your commitment to long-term relationships and growth within the company. It's a great way to acknowledge the dedication and loyalty of our team members, take Jane from HR, for example. She has been here for more years than you’ve had hot dinners; that deserves some recognition, at least!

9. The suggestion area

A suggestion area on your bulletin board is your direct line to change and improvement. Here, your team can drop their two cents – ideas, feedback, or suggestions – and everyone can see them! This idea empowers every team member to be a part of our company's growth story. It's about making their voice heard, their opinions matter and their innovative ideas become realities. The workplace becomes a breeding ground for creativity and a hotbed for solutions.

10. Employee recognition and appreciation

Imagine that Mike in Marketing has just hit the target you set him last month well before the due date. Think of Julie, who’s really been putting in the overtime hours to make sure projects are done. They deserve a lot of recognition! They’re obviously not just doing it for the money, they’re doing it for the company. That’s an incredible feat; get them on that board!

11. Fun facts about the company

Adding fun facts about the company is like showcasing a mini-museum of your company's history and quirky trivia. Sharing interesting tidbits about the organization's journey, milestones, or even some lesser-known facts can be an engaging way to connect employees with your company's story. It's a fantastic idea for sparking conversations, especially if your team finds out you used to be quite the rapper in your early years!

12. Safety first

Boring but necessary; safety should always be a priority. A safety first board is like an insurance policy for our well-being. It offers visual reminders of essential safety practices and guidelines to ensure a secure work environment. It shows that your company cares about our health and safety. It's a fantastic idea for creating awareness, reducing accidents, and fostering a culture where everyone is responsible for keeping each other safe on the job.

13. Try something new

How about a "Try Something New" section? This is the place where you can suggest cool activities, hobbies, or experiences that you're into outside of work. This idea is to allow the team to share passions with each other, so try to think of it as an "Office Bucket List" of sorts. This idea turns the workplace into an exciting playground for exploration, especially if a member of the team partakes in a crazy hobby you never knew about.

14. Monthly employee birthdays

Next up is a perfect way to celebrate your team’s birthdays with a spot on the bulletin board! It's a birthday party that lasts all month. Recognizing and celebrating the birthdays of our colleagues creates a warm and friendly workplace atmosphere. It's a simple yet effective way to build personal connections, but above all, shows that you care about them as people. So try adding a list of March, April and May Birthday Babies for some fun and recognition!

15. Promote a green office

Let's go green with a bulletin board full of Eco-friendly tips to promote a green office. It's like our guide to becoming eco-warriors at work. By sharing practical suggestions for reducing waste and conserving energy, we demonstrate our commitment to environmental responsibility. It's a fantastic idea for encouraging eco-consciousness among employees and contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.

Why not try a day where you present a set amount of water in the break room? We all know people can be wasteful when making beverages on their break. This will really get the team together as one, especially if coffee is involved!

16. Office humor and jokes

Work can be serious, but it doesn't have to be all the time. A jokes board is like a daily dose of laughter therapy. It's a lighthearted touch to the workplace, providing moments of levity, reducing stress, and promoting a positive atmosphere. Humor has the power to boost morale and makes the office a more enjoyable place to be. Be careful with different types of humour, though; one joke that could make you belly laugh could leave another employee with a sour taste in their mouths.

17. Trivia time!

Adding a Trivia Time section to the bulletin board is a fantastic idea. This can be a dedicated space where employees can find interesting trivia questions from various categories or topics. It's a fun way to promote learning and team interaction. You can regularly update the trivia questions to keep things fresh and encourage participation. This section can serve as a great conversation starter and a source of amusem*nt for employees during breaks or downtime.

18. Book club

A book club board is an open invitation to explore new worlds through books. It can feature details about book selections, meeting times, and member recommendations. This idea promotes intellectual growth, fosters a sense of community, and offers a platform for meaningful discussions beyond work. It's a great way to encourage employees to read, connect over shared interests, and develop their critical thinking and communication skills.

19. The Craig’s list section

Imagine our own little version of Craigslist at the office. Here, you can list items you're no longer using but are still in great shape. It's a way to reduce waste and connect with your fellow colleagues who might just be in need of that stuff. One man's trash is another man's treasure, right? This idea transforms our workplace into an eco-friendly, sharing-friendly community where the old stuff gets a new lease on life, and we all benefit.

20. Creative employee desk setup ideas

Office space matters, and a bulletin board showcasing different ideas for a desk set up can transform your workspace into an inspiring haven. Sharing innovative and personalized setups can enhance productivity and comfort. It's a wonderful idea for fostering a dynamic and flexible work environment where employees have the freedom to make their workspace uniquely suited to their needs and preferences. Standing work desks, retractable desktops, extra monitors and even just a re-think on comfier office chairs could be the difference your office life needs.

21. Stress management strategies

In the fast-paced world of work, stress can be a real challenge. That's why a stress management board can be perfect for those hair-tearing moments. It offers practical advice and techniques to help everyone deal with the pressures of the job. By promoting a stress-aware culture, we empower employees to cope better and maintain their well-being. It's a fantastic idea for creating a healthier, more resilient workforce.

22. Promote community involvement

It’s time to give back a little bit. By sharing opportunities for volunteering, charity drives, or local events, we encourage employees to give back and create a positive impact in the community. This idea not only boosts our corporate social responsibility but also strengthens the sense of purpose and unity among our team members.

23. FAQs

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are like your virtual bulletin board's go-to help desk. They're a fantastic idea because they make life easier. When your employees have a question, they don't have to go on a wild goose chase to find answers. They're right there, waiting for them. It's a real time-saver and helps boost productivity. Remember, it's not just about convenience either – it also takes some pressure off your support team. So, FAQs are like the unsung heroes of your bulletin board, making everyone's life simpler and more efficient.

24. Celebrate national holidays

This one's a no-brainer – celebrating national holidays on your virtual or physical bulletin board is an absolute must. It's not just about showing a bit of patriotic spirit; it's a great idea because it brings your team together. Whether it's Independence Day, Labor Day, or any other national holiday, it's an opportunity to create a sense of community. You can share interesting facts or trivia, and even plan celebrations to lift everyone's spirits. It's a fantastic way to boost morale!

25. Customer feedback and reviews

A "Customer Feedback and Reviews" board is like our performance report card. Displaying positive customer testimonials and feedback fosters a sense of pride and achievement. It reminds us of the importance of our work and the impact we have on customers. This idea reinforces a customer-centric approach, motivating employees to continue delivering excellent service.

26. Guess Who

Introducing a "Guess Who" bulletin space is a wonderful way to inject some playfulness into our workplace's bulletin board. Similar to the classic board game, "Guess Who," we can post photos of employees, but with a twist – their faces partially obscured. Employees engage in friendly sleuthing to deduce the mystery person, either by providing clues or by answering questions to eliminate potential candidates and correctly identify the "mystery colleague." This initiative adds an element of enjoyment and interaction to our workspace, fostering team bonding, creativity, and a sense of curiosity

27. Polls and surveys

Polls and surveys are great because they get people involved. You can ask questions, and everyone can chime in with their thoughts. You’re essentially giving your team a voice in decision-making without the awkwardness of standing up in a meeting room and voicing their thoughts. Whether it's choosing the next team-building activity or getting feedback on a recent project, it shows that their opinions count. Plus, it adds an element of fun and interaction to your bulletin board, making it more engaging and less like a one-way communication channel.

28. Mental health resources

Mental health is a top priority, and a "Mental Health Resources" board is like a lifeline for well-being. It provides information, tips, and contacts for managing mental health challenges. By offering support, we create an environment where employees feel safe, valued, and understood. This idea is essential for reducing stigma, promoting mental wellness, and ensuring that everyone has access to resources when they need them. For more ideas on how to support your team, check out our blog on Mental Health Awareness Month activities.

29. Tech tips and tricks

Let's create a "Tech Tips and Tricks" board, which is like a treasure trove of digital wisdom. It offers practical advice and shortcuts for navigating the tech landscape effectively. This idea helps everyone work smarter, not harder, by sharing insights into software, devices, and online tools. It promotes digital literacy and ensures that employees stay updated on the latest technology trends.

30. Celebrate International Days

A bulletin board celebrating International Days is like a global festival at the workplace. By acknowledging events like Earth Day, Pizza Day, and other international observances, we recognize diversity and create fun, inclusive activities. It's a great way to bring employees together and infuse some lighthearted excitement into the workplace. Why not try decorating the office in a way that reflects the international day, such as international flower day!

31. Recipe swap

How about a recipe exchange board? It's like a cookbook created by our team. Employees can share their favorite recipes, creating a culinary community within the office. This idea not only satisfies taste buds but also encourages interaction, creativity, and bonding among team members. Also, we’d like to bet that there are quite a few different cultures, ethnicities and religions in your team. This is a perfect way to allow your team to showcase their best-loved foods!

32. Travel and vacation tips

This type of board is like a mini travel agency right at work. It provides practical advice on planning vacations, finding great travel deals, and tips for seamless journeys. This idea fosters a sense of wanderlust and adventure among employees, promoting work-life balance and encouraging them to make the most of their time off. Sometimes travel tips cannot be found on the internet. For example, one of your employees may have found the most picturesque and hidden coffee shops in the backstreets of Beijing and would love to share it with you guys!

33. Employee birth announcements

Celebrating the birth of employees' children brings a personal touch to the workplace, showing that we care about each other's lives outside of work. It's a heartwarming idea that creates a sense of family and support among colleagues. Also, once you know there is a newborn in one of the team’s life, you could be a little lenient in giving them an extra 10 minutes in the staff room for some peace and quiet!

34. Personal finance tips

Create your own financial advice center at work! It offers practical insights into managing money, saving, and making wise financial decisions. This idea helps employees take charge of their financial well-being and fosters a sense of financial literacy. It's an essential addition to help employees achieve financial security and peace of mind.

35. Random acts of kindness challenges

This idea encourages employees to perform acts of kindness and share their experiences. It fosters a culture of compassion, reinforces the value of empathy, and makes the workplace a friendlier, happier place. Imagine being snowed under with work and one of your team brings you a mug of coffee. Those small acts of kindness can really make people’s day and give them the motivation they were perhaps searching for.

Final thoughts

So, in a nutshell, bulletin boards might seem like a relic from the past, but trust me, they can be a real game-changer for your company. Don't underestimate their potential to make your workplace a better and more fun place. Imagine birthday shout-outs, some mental health tips to brighten your day, a good laugh with jokes, and those ever-important safety reminders. When you put these things up on your bulletin board, it's like a little community hub right in your office. It's all about making your workplace more engaging and enjoyable for everyone.

Give it a shot, and watch the magic happen!

Resurrecting an old practice: 35 New bulletin board ideas | Surf Office (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.