The first AP Psych FRQ is known as a Concept Application question. It often focuses on terminology and explaining examples of different psychological concepts. The second is known as a Research Design question and typically includes a chart or graph you need to analyze.
What are AP free-response questions? ›
Free-response questions, which require you to compose an answer instead of selecting one from among several choices, employ very specific wording. As you read them, pay close attention to the language that each question uses. READ: Get Familiar With the AP Chemistry Free-Response Section.
What percentage is a 5 on the AP Psychology exam? ›
Many students ask, “What percentage is a 5 on the AP Psychology exam?” As you can see from the table above, scoring around 75% on the AP Psych exam at that time would have translated to getting that coveted 5!
Is AP Psych easy to get a 5? ›
The 5 rate for the AP Psych exam is 17%, which is about average when compared with other AP exams. There are 12 AP exams that have 5 rates higher than AP Psychology and 25 with lower 5 rates.
What percent correct is a 5 on an AP exam? ›
Usually, a 70 to 75 percent out of 100 translates to a 5. However, there are some exams that are exceptions to this rule of thumb.
How long should AP Psych FRQ be? ›
The AP® Psych FRQ, or free response question section of the AP® Psychology exam, consists of two questions that evaluate your ability to make connections across the AP® Psychology course material. You will have 50 minutes to complete these two questions, which are worth 33% of your total exam score.
Is AP Psych just memorization? ›
However, it does require students to be familiar with various theories, terms, and case studies, which can be voluminous. The general consensus is that AP Psychology is conceptually easier than many other science courses but demands a good deal of memorization.
Is the AP Psych test curved? ›
Curving scores provide a uniform assessment of AP® Psychology students. As we mentioned, the exams change slightly every year and have different average scores. The curve ensures that students taking a harder version of the exam are not underestimated compared to students taking the exam at other times.
Is a 3 on AP Psych good? ›
An AP Psychology score of 3, 4, or 5 can be seen as a bonus if admitted, as it may help you skip an introductory psychology course or grant you college credits. It's also worth noting that top colleges are more interested in the rigor of your coursework, and your overall grade performance in rigorous courses.
How long should an AP Psych FRQ be? ›
The AP® Psych FRQ, or free response question section of the AP® Psychology exam, consists of two questions that evaluate your ability to make connections across the AP® Psychology course material. You will have 50 minutes to complete these two questions, which are worth 33% of your total exam score.
To get all the points possible for a free-response question on the AP Psychology exam, you must complete all the specified tasks and subtasks. Often questions supply a single task (or set of two tasks) that you'll need to complete for each of the listed bullet points.